The common ground is our great strength

The Max von Pettenkofer Institute at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) is the Institute for Hygiene and Medical Microbiology with the longest tradition in Germany. Since it was founded by Max von Pettenkofer in 1865, it has seen enormous change and has also always been the engine and crystallisation core of this change in the infection sciences. Improving public health through a combination of internationally visible cutting-edge research, contemporary diagnostics and expert advice for patient care, as well as training the next generation of physicians and scientists, is the central mission of our Institute.
The Max von Pettenkofer Institute is home to two chairs, that of Medical Microbiology and Hospital Hygiene and that of Virology, represented by Professor Dr Sebastian Suerbaum and Professor Dr Oliver T. Keppler. In combating important human pathogens, we focus both on the long-term development of central issues and the integration of current research foci, building on an established culture of trusting cooperation under one roof.
The Institute-today and tomorrow

@ d o r a n t h p o s t a r c h i t e k t e n GmbH
In our Institute headquarters near Sendlinger Tor and at three sites in Großhadern, we currently conduct research on important human pathogenic bacteria and viruses and carry out a wide range of diagnostic investigations. The Institute houses two National Reference Centres, the one for Helicobacter pylori and the one for retroviruses. A new building is also currently being constructed on the campus in Großhadern, which will bring together the diagnostic areas with modern, future-oriented structures. The move-in is planned for 2024.